Hosted Solutions
Up to 8 Hosted Solutions lines can be installed with only the standard gateway hardware on customer premises. For more than 8 lines a PBX will need to be installed on customer site.
Basic Features will be automatically included in the Hosted Solution product.
Advanced Features are installed by default, but will require setup and management by us on an hourly basis, or by customer following training. Some also require additional hardware.
Optional Features will be available either in a local Asterisk box or from our centralized server, and will be charged extra for. These may require additional hardware and training as well.
Basic features automatically included in Hosted Solution
- Full local or remote Voice Mail, Interactive Voice Response, Music on Hold, Caller ID
- Call forwarding, 3 way calling
- Web based secure system admin tools for local or remote setup / management
- Voice Mail to E-mail, pager notification, Web interface to Voice Messages
- Multi-phone forwarding on demand (forward to cell, Follow Me, etc.)
- Call through capability (call in - then back out through VOIP for LD, Virtual Office, etc.)
- E-911 capabilities directly or through local POTS (also use for backup)
- Call recording / database management
- LD / trunk access by extension, user, PIN
Advanced features available – (*requires setup and possible hardware)
- Direct Fax receive and management based on rule set
- Full Web based Receptionist console application (Touch Screen capable) *
- Outlook (or non MS) calender integration / screen pops / address book / web based dialing
- Fax to E-mail gateway, modem control, custom serial interfaces *
- Paging integration / Intercom functions / Night bell / custom ringing *
- Record announcements from phone, mix with sound files (.gsm, .wav, .mp3)
Optional Features – Extra Cost
- Customer Relationship Management system
- Full Call Data Record logging
- Full controllable multi-user conference rooms / bridges
- Announcements: One talker, multiple listeners
- Administration - kicking users, muting and locking conferences
- Background music while waiting for other participants
- Statically configured conferences with pin code auth for entry
- Dynamic conferences, created on demand
- Video Conferencing (part of SIP) - surveillence / video / alarm systems?
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