Since we own our entire network, we are not beholden to the phone company. This means your business gets much lower costs and fast installation times for your voip small business solution and high speed internet access.
Y·net Solutions is about being flexible: we offer the ability to be free from the telephone company, to choose better internet and voip small business services that suit your needs, to choose service that is prompt, compassionate and caring regarding your service. Y·net Solutions uses the most sophisticated broadband wireless technology to provide you with better Internet access without utilising cables. We offer sophisticated phone lines that connect to your PBX or provide a virtual PBX. We offer an industry leading Service Level Agreement (SLA) to insure you receive the highest availability, lowest latency and packet loss on both our network and the last mile. In addition, if you are not satisfied with our service after thirty days, we will refund your money.
Since we own and operate our entire infrastructure network, we will usually install the necessary equipment within one week.
Small-sized and medium-sized businesses can begin with Y·net Solutions' T1-speed service (1.5 Mbps per second) and increment their bandwidth at any time in one Mbps installments usually without additional equipment.
Our prices are the most affordable that you can find. We offer speeds ranging from inexpensive T1-speed to enterprise grade 100 Mbps. We offer services ranging from business small solution voip to multi wireless connection internet access.
Y·net Solutions works to guarantee that your inquirys are propmtly answered by a company representative.
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